EAVP 2022 Code of Conduct
We follow the meeting guidelines of the Palaeontological Association and the British Ecological Society, aiming to ensure that everyone who attends the event, in person and online, feels welcome, safe and comfortable.
It is the expectation of the meeting organizers and of the EAVP that meeting attendees behave in a courteous, collegial, correct and respectful fashion to each other, volunteers, exhibitors and meeting staff. Attendees should respect common sense rules for professional and personal interactions, public/online behaviour, common courtesy, and respect for property (physical and intellectual) of presenters.
Professional, appropriate and friendly dialogues must be maintained at all times with all participants. Questions and discussions should be respectful and constructive and focus on ideas rather than individuals.
Demeaning, abusive, discriminatory, harassing, or threatening behaviour towards other attendees or towards meeting staff will not be tolerated, either in personal or electronic interactions.
Digital images and social media
Do not record a talk or photograph/screenshot a poster or a talk without the author’s express permission. While the default assumption is to allow open discussion of presentations on social media, attendees are expected to respect any request by an author to not disseminate the contents of their talk or poster.
You can use these logos below to express your permission or denial to record/photograph you work. Click on them to download them.